I have been enjoying making chai tea on a regular basis. I was Inspired yesterday by the Veba resource centers Pumpkin recipes (see Below) and Our 14 year old dog Swami's new addition to his diet to soothe his belly PUMPKIN Combined with a rare west coast chilly rainy day, I started craving the warming healing spice of Ginger Cinnamon and Maple syrup! As the pumkin was baking (sometimes i use canned!) memories of fresh baked Pumpkin, and Carving the 60 (atleast) pound pumkins my dad grew in our garden in Virgina was really comforting!
Chai Tea Ingredients:
1 Inch Ginger root unpeeled & chopped (or powder 1-2 tsp)
1/2 inch Tumeric root unpeeled & chopped (or powder) Optional 1 tsp
1 Cinnamon Stick (or powder)
1/2 tsp Nutmeg seed shaved ( or Powder
1 Cardamom pod ( or Powder)
1 tsp Fennel Seeds
5-6 Black Pepper kernels
Bring all ingredients to a rolling boil in 2 cups water, let simmer for 10 minutes
Pumpkin YUM In a seperate pan heat and Whisk:
1/2 cup choice of milk (I use oat, whole or cocounut)
2 Tablespoons Pumpkin Puree (fresh cooked or canned:)
1/4 (dash or more) Vanilla Extract
2 Tablepsoons Real Maple Syrup (or Honey)
Strain chai mixture in to your favorite mug leaving enough room to pour a generous serving of milk mixture on top, dash with cinnamon and or nutmeg powder.
Makes 2 generous cups
Click on Swami's Photo to check out 5 great pumpkin recipes from the Veba Resource center!
Since it is Pumpkin season check out all the health benefits Of PUMPKIN SEEDS
(the little green ones "Pepita")
Just a small amount, a 1 ounce serving, Is packed with health benefits and Tastes Great!
The Health benefits of this Nutrients dense seed are endless!
Healthy Oils, Fiber, Protein, Magnesium, Zinc, Tryptophan ( which the body converts to Serotonin the 'feel good' hormone and melatonin the 'sleep' hormone)
1 Ounce serving=
Fiber 1.7 grams
Carbs 5 grams
Protein 7 grams
Fats 13 gram (omega 3 & 6)
Vit K, Phos, Mangenase, Magnesium,Iron, Zinc & Copper. Amino acids, minerals
The research for Pumpkins & Pumpkin seeds as a functional food super food is well documented,
for disease prevention and health promotion!